I hope your 2019 is off to a good start and that the snow situation hasn’t slowed you down, wherever you are. Seems like Old Man Winter showed up everywhere in February. After a pretty quiet January, we are beginning to see new listings hit the 100 Mile House market and it will just escalate from here. Property assessments in the area are up by approximately 20% which is a reflection of selling prices in 2018 but hopefully the slow-down in the lower mainland market will keep our prices where they’re currently at. We still have about 12” of snow on the ground, depending on where you are, but spring is just around the corner and it won’t take long to melt that away. Despite the weather, we have buyers making purchases and avoiding the rush and hopefully we can find you the perfect property in 2019 too! Thinking of listing? Inventory is on the low side so this is a perfect time to jump into action. Please send me a note if you have questions about buying or selling and I will be more than happy to help you out.